Nic's pick of the month: Grow Your Own Christmas Dinner
Height: to 25cm
Spread: to 25cm
Hardy annual
Sun or semi-shade
Germination: 5 - 7 days
Harvest: From 6 weeks
Sow Indoors: n/a
Sow Outdoors: April to August
Plant Out: n/a
Harvest: May to October
Direct sow thinly outdoors at a depth of 1.5cm from April into a well prepared bed, or in modules for transplanting to their final positions in June. Allow 40cm between rows. Once transplanted, cover the crop with horticultural fleece to provide a barrier to airborne pests, such as flea beetles.
Sow from April for baby leaf, June onwards for full-size plants. For 'baby leaf', pick a few leaves from each plant when 5cm tall, then allow to regrow for up to four pickings. Harvest unthinned as baby leaves, or thin out seedlings or plant out modules at 25cm apart to produce mature plants. Pak choi is most succulent and has the best flavour when eaten fresh from the plot, so only harvest what you need, when you need it.
Regular sowings at 2 to 3 week intervals will ensure a continuous supply.
Pak choi is easy to grow, but can be prone to bolting in hot weather so it’s a good idea to grow it in partial shade and keep it well watered. Pak choi is hardier than many other leafy crops, so late sowings will crop in autumn and even winter, if given a little protection with a cloche or some fleece.
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