Nic's pick of the month: Grow Your Own Christmas Dinner
We're so glad you've chosen to take part in Collie Flowers' Growalong for 2025. This year we’ll be focusing on the Grow Your Own Christmas Dinner collection.
Whether you're wanting to sow all the seeds from the Grow Your Own Christmas Dinner collection or a small number of them, we hope that the growalong will give everyone something to enjoy in the garden, some fun along the way and an opportunity to share experiences and learning with like minded folk.
Over the course of the growalong, we'll be sharing with you our sowing, growing and harvest updates on a fortnightly basis. Because although our main harvest won’t be until 23 December 2025, there’ll be plenty to enjoy before then.
We'll also host a monthly growalong Q&A session on Instagram. And outside of those times we'll be available with advice if you feel you need to send us a question and to help celebrate your progress .
The planner details everything you need to get started and key dates for sowing and growing jobs as we'll be carrying them out to support the growalong.
Most importantly as this is to act as your planner there's space for your notes too, so if you'd like to print the document, then please do. To save your printer ink we've only got 1 page which is full colour, and if you are printing I would recommend doing this in colour as there'll not be sufficient differentiation in the grayscale for you to see which key tasks are assigned to each month otherwise.
The file will be available to download after checkout.
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