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Can I sow seeds now?

January 2, 2025

If you could ask me one question what would it be? 

For most people it seems to be “can I sow seeds now?”. There’s really only one answer to that – YES. Yes, you can sow any seed at any time of year. 


Not the answer you were expecting, I’ll bet.  


But I’m reeling you in for the long read...  


Because although the answer is yes from me, there are lots of factors to consider before you dive in and start sowing Cosmos in December or Brussel Sprouts in July!  


And it’s on this point that I get to wax lyrical on my specialist subject, not growing from seed, but risk management*. Whilst you might think of Collie Flowers as a seed company, I think we’re your gardening risk management specialist.  Everything we do, from our research into which seeds grow well, to the advice we give on how to grow them has two aims in mind – to minimise the threat of failure and maximise the opportunities to succeed. Because that’s all a risk is – an uncertainty and whilst most people think of risks as negatives (threats) they can also be positive (opportunities), and we try to help you manage both aspects. 


But our part in managing the risks of having bountiful harvests and beautiful blooms is only part of the journey to getting them. The really important part is your risk appetite and ability or desire to implement the mitigation plans (sowing and growing advice) we give you. 


Your risk appetite is probably the single most important factor to consider when you’re deciding whether or not to sow your seeds now, whenever “now” might be.  


There are gardeners who will willingly and consciously throw caution to the wind and just have a go with whatever, whenever. They are simply content to have a go and be content with the outcomes, whatever that may be, negative or positive.  


There are others who will consistently follow the advice given because the threat of not getting the plants they want from their efforts is so far outside of their comfort zone straying from the advice is unfathomable. 


There’s no right or wrong approach, either end of this spectrum and anywhere in between can work, but it’s helpful to understand where your risk appetite fits so that you’re making informed decisions about what seeds to sow when. 


We know that the basic requirements for success germinating your seeds are: the right temperature, watering, light and sowing depth as well as having a suitable compost or soil to grow in. And that is exactly what our growing advice focusses on, making sure that for each type of seed you know exactly what they need. There are of course so many variables in growing from seed. Including some that are completely outside of anyone’s ability to control such as the weather and quality of compost. But if you know what the seed needs to germinate, and what the plant then needs to survive and grow to maturity, even if you’re not sowing them at the ideal time you may be able to replicate those conditions. 


So with all that in mind, how do you know if your answer to the question of “can I sow seeds now?” should be a yes? The flow chart below may just be the thing to help you. 

* for those of you who don’t know, for the past 25 years I’ve worked in a variety of corporate governance roles and am currently Assistant Director of Risk Management for the largest NHS organisation there is. 

A flow chart setting out factors to consider related to risk appetite and sowing seeds.
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