


Height: to 60cm

Spread: to 45cm

Hardy perennial

Sun or semi-shade

Germination: 21 - 30 days

Harvest: From 2 years


Ariane F1


Sow Indoors: Year 1: February

Sow Outdoors: Year 1: March or April

Plant Out: Year 1: June or Year 2: March

Harvest: Year 3 onwards: April to June


Growing Guide

Asparagus is often grown from crowns, but can also be grown from seed. These plants take one year longer to grow and establish before you can start harvesting.

Sow seeds singly into small individual modules or pots filled with seed compost, in February. Harden them off and transplant into their final positions in early June.

Prepare the planting site by weeding thoroughly, then dig in at least one bucketful of organic matter, such as garden compost. Alternatively, sow outside in March or April, in drills 2.5cm deep and 30–45cm apart. Thin the seedlings to 15cm apart and protect from slugs and snails. Transplant them to their final positions the following March.

Keep the asparagus bed weed- free, as asparagus plants grow better without competition from weeds. Weed by hand rather than with a hoe, as the shallow roots are easily damaged. In early spring (years 2, 3 and beyond), apply 100g per sq metre of general fertiliser or blood, fish and bone. If growth is weak, repeat once harvesting has finished. In autumn, allow the foliage to turn yellow before cutting it down to soil level.


Resist the temptation to harvest newly planted asparagus for the first two years, to let plants get well established. In the third year, harvest spears from mid-April for six weeks. In subsequent years, you can harvest for eight weeks from mid-April. To harvest, cut individual spears with a sharp knife 2.5cm below the soil surface when they are no more than 18cm tall. In warm weather, harvest every two to three days for the best quality spears.

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