Nic's pick of the month: Grow Your Own Christmas Dinner
Height: to 15cm
Spread: to 25cm
Hardy annual
Full sun
Germination: 7 - 31 days
Sow Indoors: February to April
Sow Outdoors: May, September and October
Plant Out: May
Blooms: June - September
Technically a perennial, an Alyssum is treated as a hardy annual smothered in tiny blooms, much loved by insects. It is capable of surviving light frosts than could kill more tender plants. With its beautiful clusters of rounded fragrant flowers it has 4 small petals, and are very effective when lots are planted together.
Sow alyssum seeds indoors from late February to April, on the surface of a good quality seed compost and gently firm down. Keep the soil damp but not wet and do not exclude light. Place in a propagator or seal the seed tray inside a polythene bag until after germination.
When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant and grow them on in cooler conditions until large enough to plant outdoors. When alyssum plants are well grown and all risk of frost has passed, acclimatise them to outdoor conditions over 7 to 10 days. Transplant outdoors in full sun on light sandy, well drained soil at a distance of 30cm apart.
Alternatively, sow Alyssum seed outdoors in May, in shallow rows directly into well prepared seed beds. When seedlings are about 2cm tall, thin outside sowings to 10cm apart. About 3 weeks later, thin again to 30cm apart.
As a hardy annual, Ayssum can be sown outdoors in the autumn, September and October, as above, rewarding you with bigger, stronger plants than if you sow in Spring. Thin autumn sown seeds in October or early November before they cease growth for the winter.
Water regularly until plants become fully established. Cut back after the first flush of bloom to encourage more alyssum flowers to be produced.
Did you know, Alyssum is edible, the leaves and flowers of sweet alyssum have a pungent flavour, similar to kale. Try adding them to salads, cold soups or even omelettes.
As the first flush of flowers begin to fade, Alyssum just needs a small cut with a pair of garden scissors. Remove approximately half the growth to promote further flowering and keep the plants tidy.
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